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Results for "main_practice: Hospitality, for_children: y"
Where Is Bina Bear? A whimsical picture book for shy children and their understanding friends.
Words to Make a Friend A playful demonstration of how friendship across languages and cultures can emerge.
The Neighborhood Surprise An affirmation of respect for vegetarians and vegans in the form of a going-away party.
Can I Sit with You? A heartwarming story about empathy, friendship, and loyalty.
Good Night, Bat! Good Morning, Squirrel! A timely book which shows the good things that can happen when strangers open to each other.
Amy Meets the Saints and Sages A book introducing children to religious luminaries from six religious traditions.
Ready and Waiting for You A charming children's picture book about making the world a happier and better place through unexpected gifts of hospitality.
My Neighbor Is a Dog A delightful children's tale about being open and hospitable to strangers who become neighbors.
Hannah's Way A touching children's book about hospitality and empathy revolving around a Jewish girl's dilemma and her worry about being an outsider.
Meena A special children's book about an old woman, who is said to be a witch, who reaches out to make her enemies into friends.